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Friday, January 13, 2012

Reserve a Copy of Zip It!

   My new website: is open for viewing, reading and registering. Wow!

   Please give me some feedback as we are still tweaking each page for clarity and                                   ease of navigation.

   After you click on the "reserve" tab, there is a space to put in your name, email address and to leave me a message. You need to put something in that space for the "send" button to activate. Just say "hi."

   I 'd like to get 10,00 names and email addresses by late fall, when I expect the book to be ready for purchase. Can you help me by forwarding the link to your friends, co-workers, bosses and anyone else that might need help with The Zip!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

How to Find The Groove

Rereading my Bible this morning, Mark 1:9-13 I am struck by the dramatically tortured beginning Jesus endured. He was baptized by John, a spiritual high. Then he was "driven out into the wilderness" by the Spirit to be tortured and tested and tempted by the Adversary (Satan). This was like being trapped in a manic depressive cycle for 40 days, the wilderness being the torture of depression only worse. We don't know what the Adversary tempted him with, but if I think of my worst temptations, I am sure he was beset by images, appetites, greed, and narcissism for 40 days.

He emerged victorious, confirmed as to what he had to do for the rest of his life, and began without a pause. He ran into some fishermen and said, "Come follow me."

I admire that single-mindedness. I want to be like Jesus.

I feel like I have come out of a more than 40 year wilderness of being a slave to my appetites, greed and narcissism. I have snapped out of the groove I chose to willingly go into His groove for me. I have stopped shopping. I am giving all the money I make to my husband for wise stewardship. I rarely spend the money he keeps  putting in my wallet.

My purpose in life is not to spend money. My purpose is to do what the Lord calls me to do: love Him, love and respect my husband, go to work to serve others, spend time with my grandchildren, and write as part of His succession planning "plan" for me.

Period. That's it.

Friday, January 6, 2012

A Roller Coaster of Progress

   I am proud to announce that "Zip It! and 41 Other Powers of Communication" will be published this year by Amazon. I will be taking pre-orders  That site is being built now and should be up in about a week. I will also have a phone app! How cool is that?

   The roller coaster feeling that I am experiencing is like one I've experienced before when I was setting up the theatre company, American Showcast Theatre in Alexandria, VA in 1983. So many details had to coincide to make that effort happen and that's the case now.

   Just yesterday I realized I needed the website to pre-order because today I am being interviewed for an online article for Woman's Day magazine. They are willing to tell people about my website and that will help me build a customer base for the book.

   Then I needed someone to build the website. Found, in less than 2 hours.

   A dear friend and skilled editor is working on the manuscript to fix punctuation errors, alert me to missing transitions and generally check for inconsistencies and other problems. We will re-edit once more and then  I'm ready to send it to Amazon for the cover and back design and inside formatting.

   I'm also looking for the famous authors I know to write endorsements for the back cover:)

   I have lists of things to do and each time I accomplish one more thing, it's as though I have climbed a mountain, only to see a bigger mountain in front of me. My husband is encouraging me and I need it.

   Another friend and former mentee has a blog: and today she has a wonderful entry on not losing focus regardless of what happens. I encourage you to check it out.