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Friday, January 6, 2012

A Roller Coaster of Progress

   I am proud to announce that "Zip It! and 41 Other Powers of Communication" will be published this year by Amazon. I will be taking pre-orders  That site is being built now and should be up in about a week. I will also have a phone app! How cool is that?

   The roller coaster feeling that I am experiencing is like one I've experienced before when I was setting up the theatre company, American Showcast Theatre in Alexandria, VA in 1983. So many details had to coincide to make that effort happen and that's the case now.

   Just yesterday I realized I needed the website to pre-order because today I am being interviewed for an online article for Woman's Day magazine. They are willing to tell people about my website and that will help me build a customer base for the book.

   Then I needed someone to build the website. Found, in less than 2 hours.

   A dear friend and skilled editor is working on the manuscript to fix punctuation errors, alert me to missing transitions and generally check for inconsistencies and other problems. We will re-edit once more and then  I'm ready to send it to Amazon for the cover and back design and inside formatting.

   I'm also looking for the famous authors I know to write endorsements for the back cover:)

   I have lists of things to do and each time I accomplish one more thing, it's as though I have climbed a mountain, only to see a bigger mountain in front of me. My husband is encouraging me and I need it.

   Another friend and former mentee has a blog: and today she has a wonderful entry on not losing focus regardless of what happens. I encourage you to check it out. 

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