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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Help is Pouring In

I woke up to lots of feedback and I hope I will receive some more.

Charlene Fu, publisher author, sent me many entries from blogger Rich Frishman.

Dear Charlene,

Happy Sunday.

On Friday I had to go to the Social Security office to get some things done.
I met with a lady who probably had been working at that office for at least
150 years. When I walked in I told her that this should not take long and she
said "Well I will be the judge of that!" I could not figure out why she was combative
right off the bat. But then realized that most people were probably rude to her.

I am reading a great book- "365 Thank Yous" by John Kralik. Great book! So I figured
let me take a shot. In the middle of our "interview" when she kept telling me how
everything was "impossible" (and basically to go screw myself) I decided to keep smiling
and I thanked her for helping me. ........Nothing..... not a word.... not a smile.....
Then I don't know what happened. She sort of just transformed. 15 minutes later she said
"Ok- I figured it out- and you are all set." And she smiled.

I thanked her again and now she became even more helpful. At the end - I shook her hand
and got her name. She was amazed. Seemed like no one ever went to shake her hand.
Interesting lesson here... A Thank you....can go a long long way.

Author101university March 3-6 in LA

We are less than 2 weeks away. We only have room for about
200 people and we are getting close to being sold out. Last
year we "closed the doors" a week before the event started.
Meet agents, editors and learn how to promote
your business. This will change your life.
I promise! (more below)

Quote of Day:
"Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom"
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

TIP #1 Another great Pitch Formula for you
As I promised in my last tip, here's another great
fill-in-the-blank formula you can use to create a show pitch
that is guaranteed to grab a producer's attention virtually every
time ... (Please forward this e-mail to anyone it might help)

* Pitch Formula: "___ clues that your _______ is ____________ "

And here's a couple of examples of how you might apply it:

Show Pitch: "5 clues that your spouse is cheating on you"

Show Pitch: "5 clues that your company is getting ready to
start downsizing"

Everyone loves a good mystery. Everyone loves to crack the code or
spot something before everyone else does. This formula appeals to
that desire and is pretty much universally applicable to any

To get Alex Caroll's entire database of the Biggest 1,364 radio shows
in America (all have at least 100,000 listeners), complete
with show descriptions and number of listeners for each show,
visit my website: His is the
only database available of just the big shows ... all others
are loaded with little podunk shows.


If you have a book- or a book proposal- you have to come in
March. We will have 2 panels of agents and publishers and
2 meet and greet sessions. You can pitch your book directly
to an agent. They will be there looking for you.

Check out video by Tom Antion about the event:

We have 25 teachers, agents, and publishers to teach you..

Stefanie Hartman- Platform Builder
Gary Goldstein the producer of "Pretty Woman" just agreed to teach.
David Riklan- will teach you how to make money with social media.
Bill Gladstone- super literary agent
Tom Antion- Internet Guru- Make money as you sleep
Scott Hoffman- New York Literary Agent
Loral Langemeier- New York Times Best Seller and money expert
Steve Harrison- Publicity expert- host of The Publicity Summit
Many other agents and editors you can PITCH face to face.

We are less than two weeks away...
100% money back guarantee

TIP # 3 Video on #1 secret for getting major publicity
Check out this video from my friend Steve Harrison
on the #1 secret for getting major national publicity at:
There's nothing like getting some major publicity

to make sales soar for whatever you're promoting.

In the publishing world, an appearance on a top
national TV show like Oprah, Today, Good Morning
America, The View or article in major publication
like Time, Newsweek, People or the New York Times,
can propel a book to the bestseller list almost
But scoring publicity hits in major media outlets
like those isn't easy.

There is however one big secret, which if you know
and use it, dramatically increases your chances of
getting coverage in the biggest magazines,
newspapers and radio/TV shows across the country.
No, the secret isn't about writing the world's
greatest press release or press kit.
No, the secret also isn't about having a great
publicity idea or hook (though that's important too).
Nor is the secret about hiring a high-priced
PR firm (though every top publicist knows and
practices the secret).

In fact, the chances are good nobody has ever told
you about the secret -- but once you understand and
put it to work, you'll find it much easier to get
big-time media coverage.
To discover the secret, go here now and see the video:

Tip # 4 The Best Time of Year to Query Agents

The Best Time of Year to Query Agents
by: Jeff Rivera, founder of

As any book publishing professional will tell you, now is the time when the industry goes on hiatus. But guess what? This is one of the best times of the year to pitch agents. Why? Because agents may slow down during the hiatus period but they cannot help but sneak a peak at their email.

I know because I deal with literally hundreds of literary agencies every year.

They're constantly searching for the next hot thing to represent. And if it's sent to them now, they will have enough time to spit polish it before the industry starts back up again in January.

What's so special about January? Editors come back from the holidays with a fresh new perspective. They're also loaded up with their expense accounts all over again so they'll be ready to rock n' roll when they use those accounts to lunch with your new agent.

Expense accounts are often on a "use it or lose it" basis. If the editor didn't use all their "lunch money" last year they'll receive an even less amount this year. It's also around the time when editors and editorial directors have set or about to set their editorial schedules. So, what better time to submit to agents!

If you have something solid and ready, get your query letter together. And it better be good because you only have one shot with these agents. What are agents looking for right now more than ever?

1) Middle grade - If you've written the next Diary of a Wimpy Kid, especially a funny book for boys now's the time to pitch it.

2) Young Adult fiction - Hot, Hot, Hot! If you have a YA book, nothing's hotter in the industry. It's the one genre that has not dipped in sales tremendously. In fact, agencies are adding more agents to their rosters, specifically looking for this genre. More agents means more opportunities for you.

3) Graphic novels - If you're an author who has had a difficult time selling your novel, think about adapting it as a graphic novel. The great thing is, you don't have to be able to draw. Simply align yourself with a great artist. Create a 5-page sample of your work, a detailed summary and presto! That's all you need. 100% of the clients we've done this for have gotten agents.

4) Celebrity Memoirs - If you've got connections to celebrities, even D-List Reality TV star celebrities, this is a sure bet. Submit a solid book proposal "co-written" or ghost written by you and your hot celebrity and two things will happen: 1) The sun will rise tomorrow 2) An agent will request to read your proposal.

5) High Platform Nonfiction - If you have a huge opt-in mailing list, are the president of a large charity or organization, own your own PR firm, or have strong media connections, now's the time to write a book. Remember, if it's a nonfiction book, you only need write a book proposal, not the entire manuscript. With a strong platform, you'll have agents chasing after you instead of the other way around. 100% of the clients we created book proposals for have landed agents and damn good ones within a week or two.

Remember, you only have one shot with these agents. So, make sure your query letter is as solid as possible. If you need help writing a winning query letter, contact: [YOUR EMAIL] and we'll help you. 100% of the query letters we've ghost written have received at least 10 top agents that have requested to read their manuscripts or proposals.

My good friend and mentor Jack Canfield is holding his second annual Train the Trainer program starting this February.

Jack is by far one of the most talented teachers I've ever met when it comes to training, speaking and presentation style.As you know I have been working with Jack since 1993. I believe in Jack and I believe that he can change your life!

If you have ever considered speaking as a profession, and I know a lot of you have,
I highly recommend that you put Jack's training on your resume.

In this training, Jack doesn't just teach you how to deliver his principles of success,
he teaches you how to show up authentically in the room and be genuine, present, and as real as can be.
He covers an extensive amount of material - from how to set up a room, to presentation skills, to group exercises, and more.

His promise is that by the end of the entire yearlong training, each and every student will have the ability to present 3 whole days on information to any size group or organization.

****SPECIAL NOTE: My readers get a $4000. DISCOUNT***** Check the link below

TIP # 6 Get a Free Copy of "The Millionaire Messenger"
Brendon Burchard, founder of Experts Academy, is giving away copies of his new book "The Millionaire Messenger."

The book doesn't come out until March, but Brendon is giving away review copies to amp up the market.
He only has 1000 to give, so go grab your copy today. I am!

You probably know Brendon from his multi-million dollar launches, or his $5,000 seminars like Experts Academy.
But he started out as a simple guy with a great message. He turned his advice and life experience into a brand that changes millions of people's lives.
"The Millionaire Messenger" is about how we can all make a difference and a fortune with our advice, expertise and how-to information.

Learn more and hear Brendon talk about the book here:

Oh, and be sure to get your complimentary copy today before they're all gone.

You may reprint any items from "Rick's Sunday Tips" in your own print or electronic newsletter.
But please include the following paragraph:

Reprinted from "Rick Frishman's Sunday Tips"
Subscribe at and receive Rick's "Million Dollar Rolodex"

If you like my newsletter, please pass it on to your friends, clients and colleagues.

Note: I'm a compensated affiliate for some of the programs I tell you about.
I only tell you about people and programs I have checked out and believe in.

Let me know if I can help you in any way.
I can't wait to see you in March!

To Your Success


Rick Frishman
Founder, Planned Television Arts
Publisher, Morgan James Publishing

5 Penn Plaza, 23rd Floor
New York, NY 10001
(212) 655-5470 Office
516-908-4496 Fax

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